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República Checa

provincia Karlovy Vary
Františkovy Lázně, 35101
Aleje-Zátiší 53

Métodos de pago

Efectivo Pago con tarjeta DKV UTA

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  google places 4.3

Combustible Precio
Efecta 95 41,09 CZK/l
Дизелово гориво Efecta Diesel 38,31 CZK/l
Verva 100 43,50 CZK/l
Verva Diesel 37,47 CZK/l

los precios fueron proporcionados por un usuario de Fuelo.net en 29.04.2024г. 20:46

Google Places© на 29.01.2023

The female service is always pleasant and professional, I always like to come back. Today around 20:00, I refueled the Verva in the canister in the trunk, the car is frozen, -5° outside. I therefore left the engine running, which brought the salesman to the brink of hysterics, and in a very aggressive style and with a raised voice, he began to ax me and threaten, if I dare, that he will not let me stand next time. Is this how the Benzina company envisions treating a long-term customer? I understand, it's my fault for leaving the car running, but everything can be resolved decently. The salesman would need a self-control course

georgios kapkidis
Google Places© на 13.01.2023

A girl named Telka was very rude.

Veronika Hajkova
Google Places© на 30.10.2021


Станислав Дрожников
Google Places© на 19.12.2020

Perfect wc

Helmuth Gruber
Google Places© на 25.11.2018

Prima vernostni program.

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